The AI Revolution

June 13, 2024  |  17:00 – 18:30 CET

The first session of our 4-part series on “Perspectives on Artificial Intelligence” looks at the big picture of The AI Revolution.

Our guest is Pascal Kaufmann, who will discuss with us some fundamental questions that are at the heart of the current AI hype:

  • What does AI really mean?
  • How does it relate to human intelligence?
  • What is the trajectory of its development?
  • How will it impact humanity?   

The session has the format of an Executive Roundtable, which will allow for an in-depth conversation with our guest and an application of his insights to the specific contexts of those who attend.

Event Terms and Policy
  • Participation in the event series is open to ECLF members and personally invited guests.
  • If you are not a member and would like to receive an invitation, please contact us. Please note that ECLF events are vendor-free, and we extend invitations to senior executives from large organizations only.
  • Attending the event series is free for ECLF members, who can bring along guests from their company at no charge. Please share with us who you intend to invite so we can assure curation.
  • Invited non-member guests may attend the first two sessions free of charge and book the entire series of four sessions for a nominal fee of USD 600. 
  • All members and invited guests receive a zoom link with instructions how to attend.


About Pascal Kaufmann

Pascal Kaufmann is a neuroscientist-turned-entrepreneur. The renowned US business journal “Inc.” named Elon Musk, Stephen Hawking and Pascal Kaufmann some of the leading voices in a new understanding of intelligence.

After receiving his Master’s Degree in Neuroscience and Economics at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich and Northwestern University in Evanston, IL (USA), Pascal has worked at the prestigious Artificial Intelligence Laboratory of the University of Zurich, Switzerland. His work has been focused on numerous projects that explore the interface between brains and machines, aiming to unravel the secrets of neural networks and brain activity.

In 2010, Kaufmann founded the company Starmind for self-learning knowledge networks together with the business IT specialist Marc Vontobel. In 2017, he launched the Mindfire group that aims to decipher the principles of intelligence and make this knowledge available to cutting-edge research to empower humans. Since June 2022, Mindfire has been bringing together thousands of talents at its AI lab in Davos called Lab42 to develop human-level AI for humankind. Pascal Kaufmann serves on numerous boards and institutions and is currently the president of the Tech category of the Swiss Digital Economy Award. In 2023, he co-founded the tech startup AlpineAI that offers AI solutions to companies allowing them to leverage the potential of AI to enhance their business.

Interests: Neural Interfacing – Cyborg Technology – Brain Research – Brain Technology – Artificial Intelligence – Entrepreneurship – Cellular Automata -Ethics – Ancient Greek – Humanoid Robots – Aviation & Aerobatics